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Where Healing and Growth Begins

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Our Services


One on One
Counselling Sessions

Working together with a professional counsellor can help you, giving you the tools you need to overcome the challenges you are facing in your life. Whether its depression, anxiety, relationship issues, grief & loss, lack of motivation or joy, counselling can help you make the changes to get your life back on track and see you thriving. 


Hypnosis / NLP

The benefits of hypnotherapy are that it allows you to enter into an unconscious mental space where you can uncover deep beliefs and trauma, understand where they originated, and rewrite those that no longer serve your growth and happiness. Hypnosis will clear the neural pathways and help you to clear negative thinking and to reset and reframe your habits and thoughts to a more balanced way of living. Liberating people trapped in old patterns of thinking and behaviour with hypnosis. Allow yourself to unravel and have a better understanding of yourself and your behaviours. Gain the tools to not only accept them but to then also rewrite them. Learn a new way of living, living your true self.

Energy Healing

Energy Healing / Spiritual Healing

Spiritual or energy healing  allows the body to release any negative energies that may be causing pain and discomfort within the physical body.  As the body reaches a more balanced state it naturally begins to heal itself. Spiritual healing  allows a person to release emotional ties to others that they could not otherwise let go of. Spiritual healing allows the mind to relax and any extreme emotional thoughts and feelings to become more balanced and neutralized.

What Our Clients Say


November 2021

Very caring and supportive professionals who have a passion for helping people.

"K Myers"

January 2023

Caring, professional staff who are supportive and knowledgeable. Thank you for your help.


April 2023

I booked for a past life regression hypnotherapy session. I didn’t really know what to expect but I was totally blown away. If you are considering this type of therapy I highly recommend.

“Success is not final; Failure is not fatal:
It is the courage to continue that counts.”

Winston Churchill

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